Thank you to those who participated in the inaugural SMC Fire CERT HAM Net on June 11th that Sandra (KM6MYW) conducted as Net Control. We had 30 check-ins from CERT members in all three cities, out of 34 on the list.
A few of those were “relays” – meaning that Net Control couldn’t hear them, but someone else did and relayed that info to Net Control . . . which is how it’s supposed to work. This will help determine if there are areas that are any coverage gaps, or if there might be an issue with individual radios.
The purpose of this Net was to test our communications capability, as well as to dust off some of our radios! Sandra also wanted to see how well she could reach CERT HAMs in our three cities from her home in South San Francisco – and how well you could all hear one another. The radio net exercise was a success in that regard. In an emergency, you should turn on your HAM radio to one of the frequencies on our CERT Activation Protocol. That is one way you may receive a notice of activation by SMCFD.
Sandra will hold another Net on Thursday, July 2nd at 1900 hours. She will transmit from another location, and we might use another frequency, so we get to test all the primary frequencies of our cities.